Friday, May 31, 2019

Understanding your endocannabinoid system and the role it plays in your health

(Natural News) As the United States finally starts to emerge from the Dark Ages of Cannabis Prohibition, it’s important to shout from the rooftops the scientific fact that the human body was made for cannabis. In case you didn’t know, your body contains a unique system of receptors that’s designed to utilize the many natural...


Scooter riders beware - Hackers can remotely accelerate or brake popular electric models

(Natural News) A popular electric scooter model manufactured in China can be remotely hacked and locked down. According to a “proof of concept” test by security research firm Zimperium, these electric scooters can be remotely accessed and controlled. Hackers can remotely accelerate the scooter or cause it to hit the brakes, putting the rider at...


Corporate tyranny: Netflix, Disney threaten Georgia over abortion ban

(Natural News) Netflix this week threatened to pull out of Georgia over their newly-passed anti-abortion law and said they’re going to “work with the ACLU and others” to “fight” the law in court. (Article by Chris Menahan republished from From CNN: So far actors and production companies have been the most vocal about a controversial...


Yes, breast is best but indirect feeding of pumped milk may expose infants to dangerous bacteria

(Natural News) Being a new mother is difficult. You want to do what’s best for your baby, but you’re constantly being bombarded with conflicting information. However, almost everyone is in agreement that breast milk is the best nourishment for your new baby – but there’s one big caveat. A new study carried out by Canadian...


The link between mercury dental fillings and chronic illness

(Natural News) Exposure to mercury has long been considered as harmful to humans. Multiple studies have documented the toxicity of mercury and its often irreversible effects on the human body. But did you know that dental fillings also contain mercury that can make you sick? The Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry ranks mercury third on...


Reset your gut hormones with a vegan diet

(Natural News) A study conducted by researchers from the Institute for Clinical and Experimental Medicine in the Czech Republic found that plant-based foods can increase the production of good hormones in the gut. In fact, a single vegan meal can improve a person’s health in many ways. A good diet should be able to maintain normal blood sugar levels,...


Who else is brave enough to join CrossFit in taking a stand against Facebook censorship?

(Natural News) In a show of solidarity for all who have been shadow-banned, de-platformed, or otherwise axed from social media by the “gods” of Big Tech, CrossFit Inc. has officially blasted the shot heard ’round the world by announcing that the company and its affiliates will no longer be using Facebook, Instagram, or WhatsApp. After...


Why does Mueller get to slink away after lying about and smearing POTUS Trump? Time for him to be hauled before Congress or arrested

(Natural News) Earlier this week, former special counsel Robert Mueller appeared before reporters during a very unorthodox press conference at the Justice Department to insinuate that POTUS Donald Trump is guilty of obstructing justice despite the fact that he has not been charged with such a crime. In laying out essentially the same things revealed...


“Family-friendly” Disney now hates America so much it sides with Communist China over the state of Georgia because … abortion

(Natural News) For conservatives, every single day is a battle because so much of our culture has been hijacked by America-hating Leftists who actively subvert their own country’s morals, values, and traditions in everything they do. Whether it is the world of academia, entertainment, pop culture, or even much of our politics, Left-wing extremism all...


The LGBT agenda has now completely destroyed women's sports as biological male wins NCAA women's track championship... women's rights being obliterated by the Left Cult

(Natural News) Another biological male pretending to be a “female” has taken the gold in women’s sports, this time “winning” the NCAA women’s track championship in the 400 meter hurdles competition. Reports indicate that “CeCe” Telfer, a black “woman” who was born with a penis and testicles, swept the race, beating out the second-place runner...


Are you drinking contaminated water? Millions of Americans poisoned every day by water from abandoned mines

(Natural News) Water – and more specifically, clean water – is life. Without it we could not survive, let alone thrive. But drinking more water to improve one’s health is counterproductive when that water is contaminated with dangerous heavy metals like arsenic and lead. A recent Associated Press (AP) investigation has revealed that old, abandoned...


America reaches peak liberal lunacy as anti-white progressives (racists) add extra "adversity" points to SAT scores for "people of color"

(Natural News) Having a skin color other than white comes with some really cool perks if you live in the United States. For instance, one of the many benefits you’ll receive simply for being a “minority” high school student is an automatically higher test score on your SATs because of all of the “adversity” you’ve...


Is AOC a white supremacist? (She just flashed a white power symbol during a live stream)

(Natural News) During her livestream last night, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez may have exposed her true self – if recent liberal attacks on the innocent are to be applied – as she unleashed something so awful, so disgusting, so fascist and racist that it likely left many of her viewers triggered and in need of a safe...


Research finds spirulina lowers blood pressure

(Natural News) Spirulina is easily one of nature’s most potent superfoods. The blue-green microalgae is highly regarded for its impressive nutritional content and antioxidant activity, and offers a host of health benefits. While the mainstream medical industry continues to eschew food as medicine, research continues to demonstrate that spirulina (and many other plants) do have...


5 Effective cough remedies you can make at home

(Natural News) As a prepper, it pays to know about various home remedies, especially when SHTF and you can no longer buy supplies from stores and pharmacies. Before disaster strikes, learn know how to make natural cures for common complaints, like coughs. (h/t to Coughing is a normal reflex that protects your lungs and windpipe and it helps...


4 Tips for avoiding skin cancer when you're NOT in the sun

(Natural News) Millions of people struggle with skin cancer every year. In fact, the Skin Cancer Foundation reports that more people will be diagnosed with some type of skin cancer in a single year than all other cancers combined. Estimates suggest that one out of every five Americans will have been diagnosed with a skin...


Maternal food restriction decreases anti-inflammatory cytokine expression, triggers placental compensatory responses

(Natural News) In this study published in the journal Nutrition Research, a team of researchers from the David Geffen School of Medicine at the University of California, Los Angeles investigated the mechanisms underlying intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) using a mouse model. They evaluated key cytokines like interleukin-10 (IL-10), cellular processes related to immunity, and the resulting...


Don't be so quick to throw away papaya seeds – they offer a surprising number of health benefits

(Natural News) Like many other vibrantly colored superfruits, papayas are packed with antioxidants and health-promoting nutrients. The fruit’s delectable orange flesh boasts an impressive nutritional profile, and is as delicious as it is nutritious. Most people tend to discard the slimy, black seeds found inside the fruit. However, the papaya seeds are actually edible and are just as...


Deadly diet: Study finds high-fat, high-sugar Western diet increases risk of sepsis, death

(Natural News) Most people know that living off of cheeseburgers, potato chips and soda isn’t good for them — but just how bad is it? New research shows that the long-term ramifications of the “standard American diet” are probably worse than you think. In addition to an increased risk of heart disease and diabetes, the...


The anti-methanogenic activities of 8 of the more popular medicinal plants today

(Natural News) A recent study from the journal Animal Production Science suggests using medicinal plant extracts to improve organic matter digestion and reduce methane production. Researchers from the University of Pretoria in South Africa led the study. Earlier studies have shown that certain medicinal plants can manipulate the rumen microbial system, which can reduce methane emissions. For...


Thursday, May 30, 2019

Studies reveals conventional cancer treatments can be as dangerous as the disease itself

(Natural News) Chemotherapy has been the go-to treatment for cancer since the late 1940s. Nearly eight decades ago, researchers examining the therapeutic effects of mustard gas on lymphoma declared that this toxic chemical could significantly reduce the size of tumors for a few weeks after treatment. To this day, doctors continue to insist that chemotherapy...


Robert Mueller and the Democrats claim Trump is "guilty until proven innocent" ... but that twisted standard is never applied to themselves

(Natural News) In the eight minutes he took to plant the “impeachment” seed in the Democrat-controlled House on Wednesday during his press conference, former special counsel Robert Mueller introduced a classification of wrongdoing: The political crime. That is, in claiming that his team of 19 prosecutors and 50 FBI agents could not find actual evidence...


New health risk: Exposure to PBB chemicals can compromise your immune system

(Natural News) Exposure to polybrominated biphenyls, also known as PBBs, has long been known to be dangerous, but now scientists have uncovered yet another negative effect: immune system damage. PBBs are chemicals that were added to the plastics used in making TVs, textiles, foams and computer monitors to make them more fire-resistant. Although they are...


To breakfast or not to breakfast: That is the question for dieters

(Natural News) Although we’ve had it drilled into our heads over the years that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, it’s a claim that does not necessarily hold water. In fact, the very notion is a marketing concept that was conceived by cereal companies to sell more of their products. Of course,...


Radical left vision for America marks nation’s demise, not its salvation

(Natural News) Radical Left politicians, along with a compliant Press, carry the message of the Collectivist vision—a vision that overrides concern for the health, safety, and well-being of the Nation and the Nation’s citizenry. (Article by Roger Katz republished from Like the crass hypocrites they are, radical Leftists love to go on about how...


Sharing the burden: Research shows that support from our partners reduces stress

(Natural News) Chronic stress negatively affects your physical and mental health. But an interesting study conducted by researchers from Brigham Young University (BYU) reveals one natural way to help manage your stress levels: spending more time with your significant other. In the study, published in the journal PLOSOne, the researchers used an infrared camera to examine the fascinating link between marriage...


Both low- and high-carb diets are bad for your health, study concludes

(Natural News) There are many dietary guidelines available today. Some follow a diet that restricts fat consumption in favor of carbohydrates, while others prefer a low-carb diet that prioritizes proteins and fat, which, in practice, has been more successful at inducing short-term weight loss. However, while studies have explained the science between these two popular...


Poor man's ginseng found to protect against liver damage

(Natural News) Poor man’s ginseng or Gynostemma pentaphyllum is an herb that is native to South East Asia. The ancient Chinese believed that it could prolong life so they called it the “herb of immortality.” But poor man’s ginseng doesn’t just promote longevity, it also treats damaged liver. In a recent study published in The American Journal of...


Treat delirium with a combination of acupuncture and herbal medicine

(Natural News) The usefulness of traditional Chinese medicine and traditional Japanese herbal medicine, especially in alleviating the unwanted side effects of modern pharmacological and surgical treatments, is becoming widely recognized. Patients who undergo extensive and often harsh treatments receive several benefits from the use of traditional medicine afterwards, particularly in the form of pain relief and improvement in...


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Prepare for BATTLE: Visual tour of the Health Ranger's tactical battle belt gear for self-defense and survival

(Natural News) You’re about to see a video that would be almost instantly banned on YouTube: A visual tour of my “battle belt” that details the specific gear I carry on a “light recon” load out for self-defense and SHTF community defense scenarios. The video also covers a unique configuration of backup sights and a...


Yes, it's time to change America's libel laws to stop the deliberate lies and false smears pushed by left-wing “journalists"

(Natural News) Our founders thought that a free press was so important to the maintenance of the new republic that they included it as part of the very first amendment to the Constitution. But thanks to the American Left, extremists one and all, that concept is has been stretched beyond its limits in the age...


The latest in intermittent fasting: The 16:8 diet banishes cravings and is backed by science

(Natural News) You may have heard about intermittent fasting and its potential to help you shed unwanted belly fat, improve your body composition, and help you feel better and more energized. But did you know that there are actually multiple ways to fast intermittently, and that some methods are better than others? There’s the 5:2...


Soon, HAND recognition will catch criminals as researchers build database to record variations and biometrics

(Natural News) Researchers at Lancaster University in the United Kingdom are busy working on new technology that they claim will one day make it possible for law enforcement to identify potential criminals simply by looking at their hands. Professor Dame Sue Black, who’s reportedly heading up the project, says that the human hand is much...


Top 5 supplements for natural liver health

(Natural News) As the organ responsible for filtering your blood and detoxifying your body of chemicals, you want to keep your liver in top shape so it can carry out its important work. When your liver isn’t working properly, it can’t rid your body of toxins, leaving them to accumulate in your body and cause...


A compound found in apples can protect the body against heart disease

(Natural News) Eating apples could be a way to keep your heart protected. A study published in the journal Nutrition Research found that xyloglucan, a compound found in apples, can protect against heart injury and lower the risk of coronary heart disease. In an earlier study, researchers at the Catholic University of Daegu in South...


Veld grape: A traditional medicine for metabolic syndrome

(Natural News) A new study was published in The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine describing a supplement that can reduce body fat and attenuate the symptoms of metabolic syndrome. This supplement contained leaf and stem extracts from Cissus quandrangularis, a plant commonly known as veld grape. When taken daily by overweight individuals, this supplement effectively decreased their...


Protect your kidneys from damage with tong xin luo

(Natural News) People with diabetes need to worry about more than just high blood sugar levels. Various health complications, such as diabetic nephropathy, may also result from having diabetes. Fortunately, early treatment may prevent or slow this disease’s progression and reduce the risk of complications. A study suggests taking tong xin luo, a traditional Chinese medicine...


The effects of quercetin on intestinal and vascular smooth muscle

(Natural News) In this study, researchers from the University of Alberta in Canada investigated quercetin and its effect on gallbladder smooth muscle, in particular, if it could relax gallbladder smooth muscles. The results of their study were published in the journal Nutrition Research. Quercetin is a phytoestrogen and a flavonoid that can relax intestinal and vascular...


Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Don't be too quick to believe the FBI's smear attacks on Martin Luther King... haven't we already learned the FBI fabricates everything?

(Natural News) Over the last several days, conservative media outlets have been leaping on a report that claims FBI agents told each other that Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. had 40 extra-marital affairs and even stood by and laughed while his friend raped a woman. In hearing these allegations, we must all remember that the...


Facebook is complicit in the global chronic disease crisis

(Natural News) Just the other day, CrossFit Inc. made a bold public announcement that it will no longer be using either Facebook or Instagram (owned by Facebook) due to rampant social media censorship of free speech, which includes freedom of health speech. In case you missed it, CrossFit is among the latest casualties in Big...


Netflix threatens to boycott Georgia if the state disallows the gruesome murder of unborn babies

(Natural News) The Leftist death cult is having a demonic meltdown over the four states-and-counting that have enacted so-called “heartbeat” laws to protect the lives of unborn human children from being aborted once their heartbeats are able to be detected. And joining this fray of Moloch-worshiping Satanism is none other than the media streaming service...


The real bombshell: Mueller just threw long-time DoJ colleague AG Barr under the bus by insinuating he lied about POTUS Trump’s “guilt” in Russian collusion hoax

(Natural News) If you needed any additional evidence that there actually is a “deep state” other than the fact that Hillary Clinton is still breathing free air and POTUS Donald Trump has been ensnared in the biggest political hoax in our history, former special counsel Robert Mueller just provided it. He threw his longtime colleague...


Fast results for your health: One week of eating organic found to dramatically lower toxin levels in your body

(Natural News) With toxins seemingly everywhere these days, from the food we eat to the air we breathe and the water we drink, you might feel like there’s nothing you can do to avoid being exposed to dangerous substances. However, one study shows that you have a lot more control over it than you might...


Mass protest against Facebook censorship planned at annual shareholder meeting

Facebook has been shutting down traffic to conservative websites since Donald Trump’s victory in the 2016 election. (Natural News) (Article by Jim Hoft republished from Conservatives dominated social media in 2016 where they were able to get the truth uncensored.  Facebook ended that in 2017 and 2018. The Gateway Pundit spoke with two of the top...


Making your own hemp milk is easy and the health benefits beat store-bought cow's milk

(Natural News) Growing up, children are bombarded by dairy advertisements and the constant message that cow’s milk will make them grow “big and strong.” Subsidized and popularized, cow’s milk is affordable and convenient, served up in cartons with every school lunch and splashed in cereal bowls morning after morning. What if, after all these years...


Bitter herbs can alleviate symptoms of GERD

(Natural News) While some herbs are used in different cuisines to enhance the flavor of certain dishes, other herbs are used medicinally to treat minor complaints like colds or nausea. According to researchers, bitter herbs and vegetables can be used to treat the symptoms of conditions like gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). The National Institute of Diabetes...


No-brainer: Vitamin D deficiency linked to an increased risk of schizophrenia and depression

(Natural News) The lack of vitamin D in the body does not only compromise bone health, it also affects mental health. According to studies, vitamin D deficiency is linked to schizophrenia and depression. A developing fetus depends on its mother for nutrition. If the mother suffers from vitamin deficiency, so will her baby. In a study published...


The relationship between gut microbiota modulation and its ability to prevent disease

(Natural News) In this paper, researchers from Northwestern Polytechnical University in China made a comprehensive analysis of previous studies about the interaction between gut microbiota and diet composition, and its effect on gastrointestinal tract health. Their findings were published in the journal Food Science and Human Wellness. The substantial amount of emerging research is evidence that gut microbiota has a significant...


Study: Wheat albumin tablets can potentially be used to control blood sugar during the night

(Natural News) Controlling blood sugar is an important aspect of diabetes management. In a new study, researchers from Japan found a new food supplement that can help control blood sugar. Published in the journal Nutrients, the study revealed that consuming wheat albumin, a globular protein derived from wheat, may help regulate blood sugar levels at...


Efficacy of TCM studied for treating colorectal cancer

(Natural News) In this study, researchers from Andong National University in South Korea investigated the inhibitory effect of Victis Fructus (VF), the dried fruit of the plant Vitex rotundifolia (beach vitex), on the down-regulation of cyclin D1 and CDK4, which are proteins associated with cancer cell proliferation. Their results, which explained the molecular mechanism behind this inhibition of cell proliferation, were...
