Monday, April 30, 2018

Stunning finding reveals autism is highest in areas with the highest vaccination rates

(Natural News) The surge of autism diagnoses in recent years has left many people looking for an explanation. Oft-labeled a “conspiracy theory,” or something to that effect, the suspicion that vaccines are a potential cause of autism is on the rise. New research from the Canadian government has indirectly shown that in highly vaccinated populations,...


The true investigation of how the U.S. military recruited Japanese germ warfare scientists and Nazi space weapons developers

(Natural News) The Japanese government recently released the names of more than 3,000 former members of the infamous germ warfare unit of the Imperial Japanese Army (IJA), which conducted heinous lethal experiments on innocent Chinese and Allied civilians during World War II. And with this”data dump” comes a fresh reminder as to how the American...


A new, supposedly “bee-friendly” pesticide found to impair taste, learning, memory of the critically necessary insects

(Natural News) Honeybees are in trouble – BIG trouble. Bee populations have been dwindling all around the globe at an alarming rate in recent years, and some species have even made it on to the endangered list. Scientists have been scrambling to find out what is causing this alarming trend, but Mike Adams, the Health...


Was MSNBC’s Joy Reid, who claims past homophobic blog posts were created by hackers, just busted by a typo?

(Natural News) “Oh, what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive.” That old saying certainly appears to apply to MSNBC host Joy Reid, who is claiming that past posts she made on a now-defunct blog in 2006 were really put there by a hacker. And while her network is continuing to...


Radical left-wing group Antifa has its roots in Nazi Germany

(Natural News) Many have speculated as to the culprit(s) behind the rise of Antifa, the so-called “anti-fascist” movement that gained widespread prominence almost immediately following the election of Donald Trump as president back on November 8, 2016. Well, look no further than the National Socialist German Workers’ Party, also known as the Nazi Party, which...


The deep state is real and it’s moving against Trump, says former CIA officer who is exposing the attempted coup

(Natural News) A former CIA officer is spilling the beans on the Democrat-aligned Deep State, telling interviewer Greg Hunter that a coup attempt is actively underway to remove a duly-elected President Donald J. Trump from office. “There is essentially a civil war involving parts of senior management and upper parts of our government that is...


Financial incentives to preserve tropical forests can’t compare to potential profits from clearing

(Natural News) Conservation of tropical forests take time, effort, and ultimately money. According to a study published in Nature Communications, efforts to protect tropical forests in Southeast Asia may fail due to low financial incentives. The study, led by researchers from the University of East Anglia, found that strategies developed to protect tropical forests such as a carbon finance scheme may not...


The connection between humans and salt

(Natural News) Salt occupies an important – hallowed, even – place in human culture, history, health, and diet, according to an article in In fact, cardiovascular researcher Dr. James DiNicolantonio argues that we need to increase the amount of salt in our diet. In his recent book, Dr. DiNicolantonio claims humans evolved eating a...


New research reveals biomarkers that affect future risk of dementia, including branched-chain amino acids and cholesterol

(Natural News) There are many different types of diseases that can occur later in life, and they are often difficult to predict. But as the saying goes, prevention is better than cure, and it’s true even in cases like these. In the case of dementia and other neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s, this is more true...


Genetic data shed light on how soil microbes survive nutrient-deficient environments

(Natural News) For the longest time, researchers have puzzled over the process that allows microbes to grow within the phosphorus-poor soil found in tropical rainforests. A recent study of their genetic data revealed that these microbes possess a higher amount of genes that specialize in getting the vital mineral, according to a NewsWise article. Tropical...


International team discovers a new anti-cancer protein and it could help doctors treat liver cancer better

(Natural News) Liver cancer is on the rise, with the number of cases tripling in the U.S. since the 1980s. Around 31,000 Americans develop the disease in every year, and 24,000 people die from it. Unfortunately, patients with hepatocellular carcinoma generally have a poor overall prognosis because it’s typically diagnosed in the later stages when...


Eating a lot of processed meat increases your risk of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and insulin resistance

(Natural News) Researchers have found another reason why eating a lot of processed meat is bad: It increases the risk of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) and insulin resistance, according to a study published in the Journal of Hepatology. These results add to the increasing amount of evidence on the harmful effects of eating red...


A more diverse farm land provides better conditions for pest control

(Natural News) Crop diversity was shown to have a positive impact on the natural predators of aphids, which are common crop pests. Farmers can utilize this insight to keep aphids at bay and reduce the need for pesticides. In addition, greater crop diversity in agricultural landscapes is said to be better for pest control because a varied landscape...


Sunday, April 29, 2018

BOMBSHELL: Former CIA officer Kevin Shipp goes public, exposing the deep state COUP against America (and naming names)

(Natural News) Greg Hunter of has just released a bombshell interview with former CIA officer Kevin Shipp, who details the deep state coup that’s under way right now to overthrow America and destroy the outcome of the 2016 presidential election. This is, without question, Hunter’s most important interview so far this year, and you...


Counterthink video: Bill Cosby found guilty but Bill Clinton still at large

(Natural News) Bill Cosby has been found guilty on all three charges, potentially subjecting him to life in prison (he’s 80 years old, and the charges carry up to 30 years of imprisonment). Yet Bill Clinton, who also allegedly raped and sexually assaulted multiple women, has yet to be indicted at all. Clinton remains protected...


Saturday, April 28, 2018

Researchers: Up to 40 percent of DNA results from consumer tests could be "bogus"

(Natural News) Consumer DNA testing became a mainstream thing a few years ago, and many people have done it ever since. Essentially, it lets people conduct do-it-yourself (DIY) genetic testing that will give them answers to some questions they might have, mostly pertaining to their ancestry, but also regarding any genetic diseases they might have...


Democrats come out in support of Female Genital Mutilation (FGM)

(Natural News) All but two Democrats in the Maine House of Representatives reportedly voted down a legislative bill that would have outlawed a barbaric form of genital mutilation known as female circumcision. After letting the bill sit and almost expire, 72 Democrats decided on the last day of the legislative session to vote in favor...


ROBO-WARS: DARPA wants to deploy automated drones as coordinated swarms to "isolate an urban objective"

(Natural News) DARPA is no longer satisfied with merely deploying drones to the battlefield. It wants swarms of unmanned aircraft and ground-borne robots that can work together to isolate an urban objective, according to an article on TechCrunch. The military research agency has announced the second “sprint” of its OFFensive Swarm-Enabled Tactics (OFFSET) program. Sprints...


Big brother sees you! Chinese jaywalkers receive their fine immediately through SMS

(Natural News) Facial recognition technology is really starting to become a big deal in China. It wasn’t that long ago when Chinese traffic police began using facial recognition to nab those who were violating traffic laws. Now they’ve taken things one step further with artificial intelligence (AI): When the facial recognition cameras catch someone jaywalking, not...


Fog harvesting could help alleviate water shortages

(Natural News) As traditional sources of water dry out or grow contaminated with pollution, we’ll need to find new ways to get the water we need. One method is fog harvesting, where you collect moisture from ground-level clouds. A Virginia-based research team has come up with a “fog harp” that collects thrice as much water as earlier...


DIY natural bleach alternative

(Natural News) You might want to skip the store-bought bleach if you’re looking for effective cleaning products. Most store-bought bleaches contain harmful chemicals. They may even contain toxins that can damage the environment. Try this easy recipe for a natural bleach alternative instead. You can use it to brighten your laundry, and it’s perfect for...


Top healing foods that fight cancer: Do you eat them often enough?

(Natural News) Cancer is a disease that can be prevented through an active lifestyle and a healthy diet. Nutritionist Rick Hay discussed which food items are beneficial for supporting the body in keeping cancer at bay. (h/t to Leafy green and cruciferous vegetables — These refer to the vegetables under the Brassica genus of plants which includes broccoli,...


Electric vehicles to become more affordable than gas guzzling counterparts in just 7 years: Report

(Natural News) Just as the market has begun to turn in favor of renewable energy sources like solar panels and wind farms, electric cars are also starting to gain popularity. Dubbed as environmentally friendly alternatives to conventional gas-powered cars, electric vehicles (EV) are expected to make a big impact in society in the coming years....


Scientists are actually losing ground on their understanding of dark matter, as new research contradicts previous findings

(Natural News) Researchers have been forced to backtrack on what little they thought they understood about the enigmatic substance called “dark matter.” The 180-degree turn came in the wake of a new study that suggested dark matter may not really be interacting with forces outside of gravity, according to a ScienceDaily article. In 2015, an...


Breaking up sleep into two parts, like they did before the Industrial Age, may cure insomnia

(Natural News) The invention of electricity has brought a lot of benefits, like powering appliances that make housework faster and easier for us. But it also created a group of people who find it hard to sleep at night. These insomniacs toss and turn in bed. They wake up at around two or three in...


We could soon harvest energy from leaves fluttering in the wind

(Natural News) Most people dismiss stray leaves fluttering in the wind as one of those everyday, ordinary things. They seldom stop and take a second look unless it’s autumn, and leaves burst into flaming colors of orange, red, yellow, and purple. But do you know that the humble leaf can someday be a source of...


Friday, April 27, 2018

It's "open season" on vaccinating pregnant women with toxic, harmful substances confirmed present in many vaccines

(Natural News) Everybody knows that when you’re pregnant you don’t drink coffee, smoke cigarettes or take pain medications, right? And no matter how tempting that glass of wine might look, as a conscientious mom-to-be you wouldn’t think of drinking alcohol during pregnancy. For a mother, the responsibilities of parenting start from the second she finds out she’s...


U.S. government used chemical weapons to murder children in Texas... does that mean it's okay for other nations to bomb us?

(Natural News) American foreign policy has long been characterized by a precedent of bombing and overthrowing countries that elected officials accuse of committing major human rights abuses. But the United States government has been guilty of many of these same acts of domestic terror over the years, which begs the question: Should other countries also...


Mystery: Two Broward County Sheriff’s deputies have died since the Parkland, Florida shootings and no one knows why

(Natural News) A rising number of questions surround the rather mysterious deaths of now two Broward County sheriff’s deputies in the weeks following the Valentine’s Day mass murder at the Marjory Stoneman Douglass High School in Parkland, Fla. As noted by the Fellowship of the Minds blog, the first deputy, Jason Fitzsimmons, was found dead...


Legal expert claims that Comey’s release of memos is de facto evidence he may have committed criminal espionage

(Natural News) If you are one of a shrinking number of Americans who still don’t believe fired FBI Director James Comey really stepped in it when he handed over classified memos to a friend for the purpose of having them leaked to the media, one legal expert experienced in high-profile cases may just be able...


The FOUR deadly diseases you're likely to encounter in a collapse: PRINT this and archive

(Natural News) In a collapse, public health services like water purification and sewage disposal will come to a standstill, spurring all sorts of diseases that can take your life. That’s why it’s important to familiarize yourself now with some of the more common diseases you might encounter in such a situation and learn how to...


NYT attacks "right-wing conspiracy theory" then issues whopping correction, confirming it was true all along

(Natural News) The American Pravda media has lost whatever remaining credibility it had left in the era of President Donald J. Trump, having long ago abandoned any semblance of journalist integrity in their daily effort to besmirch and smear his supporters. The latest self-inflicted casualty of credibility is a returning champion — The New York...


Now even FEMINISTS are deriding transgender ideology as "incoherent political intimidation"

(Natural News) A radical feminist soy-boy who teaches in the communications department at The University of Texas at Austin recently took aim at a new book that promotes the mental illness known as transgenderism, declaring its text to be entirely “incoherent” and centered around “political intimidation” rather than logical thought and argument. Robert Jensen, a...


SNOPES caught being dishonest in its assessment of a California bill seeking to criminalize the sale of Bibles

(Natural News) In recent days WorldNetDaily reported that Liberty Counsel, a Christian-themed legal assistance group that defends religious and civil rights, warned that a new California bill that has already passed the Assembly would effectively ban the sale of Bibles. The legislation, AB 2943, forbids counselors from telling a gender-confused female that she’s a woman...


"Universal Basic Income" just a fancy name for WELFARE for all... if you don't earn it, you can't call it "income"

(Natural News) Following the launch of Finland’s “universal basic income” scheme last year, other Western countries are now toying with the idea of handing out cash every month to their citizens for “free.” But as nice as this all might sound to those who don’t understand economics, universal basic income is really just a more...


A tale of two Bills: Cosby goes to jail for 30 years for sexually abusing women but Bill Clinton can rape them and remain free

(Natural News) By now you’ve likely heard that “America’s dad,” comedian Bill Cosby, was found guilty of drugging and molesting a woman, “completing the spectacular late-life downfall” of a funnyman “who broke racial barriers in Hollywood on his way to TV superstardom,” The Associated Press reported. Following the verdict, District Attorney Kevin Steele said the...


Do YOUR lifestyle habits put you at risk? Fewer than half of Americans are aware of what they can do to prevent cancer

(Natural News) Are you under the impression that you have little control over whether you develop cancer one day? Do you believe that who does and does not get cancer is a matter of genetic roulette? If so, you would certainly not be alone. A survey by the American Institute for Cancer Research (AICR) found...


Researchers closer to understanding how blood glucose homeostasis occurs in the body

(Natural News) Researchers are getting closer to getting closer to understanding how blood sugar homeostasis happens in the body, as they found that the pancreatic islets are responsible for maintaining normal blood glucose levels in the body, according to a study published in the scientific journal Cell Metabolism. The study was conducted by researchers at...


Less is more, as we age: Fasting, calorie and fat restriction found to help preserve brain health

(Natural News) Many changes happen as we age. Our energy levels drop. We’d rather stay home and putter in the garden than go outdoors and chase the wind. Declining muscle mass requires less energetic movements. Fasting becomes more important, becomes more doable. Less is more. A new study published in Frontiers in Molecular Neuroscience showed why. Researchers...


Researchers create robot fish that can swim right next to real ones in coral reefs

(Natural News) There are plenty of unexplored areas in Earth’s seas and oceans, and scientists are always looking for ways to observe these places better in the name of science. Now a team of researchers from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) have reportedly developed a soft robot fish that could make it easier to...


Obesity prior to pregnancy found to increase risk of autism, according to new study

(Natural News) Being obese before getting pregnant has been found to increase the chance of having a child with autism, according to a study. The study, conducted by researchers at Northwestern University, found that mothers whose waists were at least 80 centimeters (cm) before pregnancy had a 65 percent higher chance of giving birth to a child...


Pesticides threaten extinction of monarch butterflies

(Natural News) It is well-known that the use of pesticides can have deleterious effects on nature. Now, the latest casualty could soon be the majestic monarch butterfly as its very existence is thought to be threatened by the overuse of pesticides targeted towards milkweed. This is based on information from an announcement made by Mexican...


"Counterthink" video news launched by the Health Ranger - see introductory episode here

(Natural News) I’m launching a new video news channel called “Counterthink,” which challenges the dumbed-down status quo with intelligent, independent reporting and analysis on topics that matter for our world. “Counterthink” episodes are viewable at, and one episode per week is filmed and produced at the InfoWars studios, airing at 6pm (central) on


"Women's movement" was the cover story for a sex slave cult that sought to ensnare Hollywood and pop culture celebrities

(Natural News) As a jury was mulling the fate of alleged serial sexual abuser Bill Cosby earlier this week another story made headlines — again — that provided more evidence that much of Hollywood remains contaminated with degenerates and lowlifes posing as upstanding Left-wing elites. You may recall in late March that the FBI arrested...


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Thursday, April 26, 2018

According to the fake news media, evil vans just run over people all by themselves... the DRIVER has nothing to do with it

(Natural News) Remember the Toronto “white van” terrorism attack a few days ago that killed 10 people and injured many more? According to the fake news media, the van did all the driving and ran over people all by itself. The reason the media is reporting this, of course, is because when terrorism is carried...


Merck named in "fraud, deceit and negligence" accusation regarding Gardasil safety problems

(Natural News) The family of a young girl who suffered extreme physical harm following her third dose of Merck & Co.’s Gardasil vaccine for human papillomavirus (HPV) is suing the pharmaceutical giant for fraud, deceit, negligence, medical malpractice, medical battery, and knowingly selling a “defective product” primarily for profit purposes. Before getting jabbed with Gardasil,...


Reduce weight and inflammation by combining curcumin and piperine with calorie restriction diet

(Natural News) Turmeric has been making the news lately — and for good reason. The golden-hued spice has been highly regarded for its health benefits for centuries, and the science to support its beneficial qualities is finally catching up. Now, new research has shown that turmeric could be part of a weight-loss supporting, inflammation-reducing cocktail....


Sowing the seeds of suicide: Monsanto’s ownership of our food supply is destroying farming

(Natural News) There’s a reason Monsanto is one of the most hated companies in the world, and it goes far beyond the damage its products have done to the environment and human health. Indeed, Monsanto’s control over our food supply is destroying farming itself, and the repercussions for all of us could be devastating. The...


NASA says that aliens live on Venus, but they're only microbes

(Natural News) The cloudy planet dubbed the “Morning Star” and “Evening Star” could be harboring alien life. A NASA-backed international study surmises that there could be simple but sturdy bacteria floating in the uppermost clouds of Venus, reported The Sun. Study author Sanjay Limaye of the University of Wisconsin-Madison says that computer models of Venus suggest it used to...


That’s TOO far to the Left: MIT backs away from startup that wants to upload your brain to the cloud after killing you first

(Natural News) There was an ambitious new startup, called Nectome, that promised to help people evade death through brain uploading at some point in the future. It received backing from the Silicon Valley startup incubator YCombinator as well as the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), and it seemed to have a solid plan all around....
